Establish your budget and timelines

Detailed Estimating

We can provide cost estimates for land aquistion, detailed engineering, construction, operating, and maintenance

“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”
― Dave Ramsey

We offer:

  • Class 1-4 Cost Estimates
  • Masterformat, Uniformat or Custom WBS
  • AFE Budgeting
  • Estimated Construction Schedule
  • Estimating for All Constuction Diciplines

Service Excellence

Our Commitment

We are committed to deliver the highest quality and value of service to our clients

Dynamic Strategic's dedication to continuous process improvement ensures consistency and quality to our deliverables, while our innovative approach to solving complex project challenges brings value while cutting costs and mitigating risk.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver our services with integrity, innovation, and value, today and always.

- Jeff Rae, President
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Dynamic Strategic Management Corp.

Leaders in Client First Construction Consulting.

Please feel free to contact us directly with any inquiries.