Building the right team

Vendor RFPs

Reduce costs and compress schedule by allowing us to evaluate and recommend vendors that supply equipment and services with impeccable track records for service, quality and safety.

By clearly detailing your scope, schedule, and contractual requirements upfront will make executing a contract with the selected vendor seamless and effortless.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

Let us help with:

  • Vendor Pre-Qualification
  • Prepare RFQs & RFPs
  • Proposal Review, Analysis & Recommendation
  • Vet QA/QC & Safety Programs
  • NDA Preparation
  • Project Scope of Work and Tender Package
  • Recommend Contract / Terms & Conditions

Having us manage your RFP process will ensure you avoid the most common mistakes and get the best possible proposals from your vendors.

Service Excellence

Our Commitment

We are committed to deliver the highest quality and value of service to our clients

Dynamic Strategic's dedication to continuous process improvement ensures consistency and quality to our deliverables, while our innovative approach to solving complex project challenges brings value while cutting costs and mitigating risk.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver our services with integrity, innovation, and value, today and always.

- Jeff Rae, President
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Dynamic Strategic Management Corp.

Leaders in Client First Construction Consulting.

Please feel free to contact us directly with any inquiries.